Thursday, April 11, 2019

Google Analytics Unique Event

Google analytics has recently changed, introducing a new unique events metric calculation. this article has not yet been updated to reflect that change — mike sullivan.. as a follow-up to my previous post on google analytics events, this article will look at the unique problem of “unique events“…the metric that defies understanding by many.. About events. use events to collect data about interactions with your content. to see events reports: sign in to google analytics. navigate to your view. open reports. select behavior > events. anatomy of events. a unique event is determined by a unique action name.. As of today, google has added two new event metrics to google analytics: unique events (new) and unique dimension combinations.if you still use the old metric, you'll get a message telling you that it will be dropped: unique events are deprecated warning in google analytics..

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Improving google analytics events with unique events september 26, 2016 unique events is a metric that counts the number of events with distinct event attributes (event category, action, and label) that occur within a single user session.. Trigger the event you are tracking via ga event tracking and then look at the real time events report to check whether the event data (category,action,label) is being passed to google analytics. #2 the second way to see the real time firing of events is through ‘ google developers console ’.. Google analytics lets you measure your advertising roi as well as track your flash, video, and social networking sites and applications..

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